The "Bovine Phlegmatic" quickie guide to installing and using FinderPop 1. Place FinderPop into your Control Panels folder. 2. Place the FinderPop Extensions folder into your System Folder. 3. Reboot. Open the FinderPop control panel. Click on the Show FinderPop Items Folder… button in the FinderPop Items subpanel. Add your favourite aliases to that folder (and ideally you should also place an alias of the FinderPop Extensions folder you copied to the System Folder earlier.) Now, every time you control-click, you get a few more options... 4. You might also want to read the manual to see what other settings you may want to use. You can read the manual using Internet Explorer — or any web browser by dragging and dropping the FinderPopBookOfWords.html file onto your fave browser's application icon.